Your AI Accelerator for corporates & ambitious SMEs

We build high-performing AI solutions that overcome challenges, streamline your operations, and unlock new growth opportunities.

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Public sector, Enterprises & Startups

What we do at Data Wizards

AI Strategy

We advise you on the identification of suitable AI application areas, the selection of technologies, the implementation of data architectures, and the creation of your data and AI strategy.

AI Solution & Development

We develop data science and AI solutions tailored to your requirements. We support you from the idea to the productive solution. Afterwards, we ensure smooth operation.

AI Education

Whether technical or methodological skills, data literacy, or data culture – our formats rely on interactive and inspiring learning methods. We train beginners, specialists, and managers.

Industries we build solutions for

And more...

Case studies


Resume matching using AI

Building an AI on top of the company’s knowledge.

Recruitment Company


Unlocking Location Insights

Support of the Location Analytics team at Proximus.



Anomaly detection for railroads crossings

Support the team building a railroad crossings anomaly detection system.


Partner, Tools & Technologies

Meet the wizards

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What they say about us...

Ready to start your AI journey?

Automotive Industry

We assist automotive companies in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products and services, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Automotive:

  • Predictive Maintenance: Prevent defects in production machines and vehicles.
  • KPI and Sales Forecasts: Reliable forecasts for KPIs like sales and costs.
  • Residual Value Forecast: Efficiently determine the residual values of leased vehicles.
  • Digital Assistants: Personalized driving experience with IoT applications and voice control.
  • Telematics Data Analysis: Improve product development and marketing.
  • Personalized Product Configuration: Ensure customers receive suitable product configurations.
  • Quality Control: Optimize product quality.
  • Supply Chain Management: Optimize order, inventory, and production management.

Retail Industry

We assist companies in the retail industry in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products and services, optimize processes, and discover new business models.

Applications in Retail:

  • Optimized Pricing: Automatically adjust prices based on demand and external factors.
  • Sales Forecast: Optimize marketing, ordering, and production with reliable sales forecasts.
  • Customer Churn: Identify customers likely to churn and take proactive measures.
  • Product Recommendations: Offer personalized product suggestions.
  • Supply Chain Management: Optimize inventory and production management.
  • Personalized Marketing: Enhance ad effectiveness through personalization.
  • Quality Control: Use computer vision for automated product quality evaluation.
  • Supplier Management: Analyze supplier data for better selection and evaluation.

Pharmaceutical Industry

We assist pharmaceutical companies in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Pharma:

  • Drug Development: Utilize AI for research and development of new drugs.
  • Production Efficiency: Increase efficiency and transparency in production processes.
  • KPI and Sales Forecasts: Make informed decisions with reliable forecasts.
  • Quality Control: Optimize product quality using AI.
  • Personalized Marketing: Improve ad effectiveness through personalized campaigns.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Prevent machine failures by detecting defects early.
  • Anomaly Detection: Identify patterns and anomalies in production data.
  • Supply Chain Management: Optimize order, inventory, and production management.


We support industrial manufacturers in leveraging data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance products and services, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Manufacturing:

  • KPI and Sales Forecasts: Make decisions based on reliable forecasts.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Prevent machine failures by detecting defects early.
  • Supply Chain Management: Optimize order, inventory, and production management.
  • Quality Control: Control and optimize product quality using AI.
  • Optimize Production: Increase transparency, capacity utilization, and reduce material requirements.
  • Anomaly Detection: Detect patterns and anomalies in process and machine data.
  • Customer Churn: Identify likely churn customers for proactive measures.
  • Digital Assistants: Enhance employee efficiency with digital tools.

Insurance Industry

We assist insurance companies in effectively leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Insurance:

  • Customer Churn: Identify customers likely to churn and take proactive measures.
  • Chatbots: Use AI-based chatbots for customer service.
  • Risk Assessment: Automate risk assessment for individuals, companies, or objects.
  • Upselling: Use recommendation systems to suggest appropriate insurance products.
  • Claims Settlement: Automate claims processing to increase efficiency and satisfaction.
  • Fraud Prevention: Detect potential fraud using machine learning.
  • Damage Detection: Estimate damage using computer vision.
  • Predictive Models: Forecast insurance claims or sales.

Financial Industry

We assist financial companies in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products and services, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Finance:

  • KPI Forecasting: Make decisions based on reliable forecasts of KPIs such as sales, revenue, costs, liquidity, or EBIT.
  • Customer Churn: Identify customers likely to churn to initiate timely countermeasures.
  • Risk Assessment: Automate the risk assessment using AI.
  • Fraud Detection: Detect and prevent fraudulent activities early.
  • Robo-Advisory: Gain customers through automated asset management.
  • Chatbots: Improve customer satisfaction with digital assistants.
  • Algorithmic Trading: Automate trading decisions with AI.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyze moods and content of social media posts, customer reviews, or emails.

Logistics Industry

We assist logistics companies in effectively leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Logistics:

  • Demand Forecast: Predict future transport needs reliably.
  • Arrival Prediction: Track expected arrival times of vehicles.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Detect maintenance needs early.
  • Quality Control: Monitor transport goods quality in real-time.
  • Intelligent Warehouse Management: Automate warehouse processes.
  • Route Optimization: Optimize transport routes and capacities.
  • Utilization Forecast: Predict future transport capacities.
  • Fleet Monitoring: Analyze real-time telematics data.

Energy Sector

We support energy companies in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products and services, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Energy:

  • Predictive Maintenance: Prevent defects in machinery and network components.
  • Anomaly Detection: Detect patterns and anomalies in energy generation and grid data.
  • Optimized Generation: Increase efficiency and transparency of generation plants.
  • Demand and Supply Forecasts: Forecast future energy demand and production capacity.
  • KPI and Sales Forecasts: Make decisions based on reliable KPI forecasts.
  • Damage Detection: Detect defects in pipelines using AI.
  • Customer Churn: Identify customers likely to churn.
  • Robotics: Automate and improve labor-intensive processes.


We assist companies in the healthcare industry in effectively leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products and services, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Healthcare:

  • Drug Development: Use AI in research and development of new drugs.
  • Efficient Production: Increase efficiency and transparency of production processes.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendations: Create AI-based diagnosis and treatment suggestions.
  • Quality Control: Optimize product quality with AI.
  • Wearables: Utilize data from wearables for various applications.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Detect maintenance needs early.
  • Patient Forecasts: Predict future patient numbers accurately.
  • Intelligent Search Engines: Efficiently search large amounts of data using NLP.


We help telecommunications companies effectively deploy data science, machine learning, and AI to improve products and services, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Telecommunications:

  • Customer Churn: Identify customers likely to churn to initiate timely countermeasures.
  • Chatbots: Enhance customer service with AI-based chatbots.
  • Product Recommendations: Offer personalized product suggestions.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Detect defects or maintenance needs early.
  • Anomaly Detection: Identify patterns and anomalies in network data.
  • Fraud Detection: Prevent fraudulent activities using AI.
  • Demand Forecasting: Model expected network load with machine learning.
  • Quality Control: Analyze quality data for actionable insights.


We help media companies effectively deploy data science, machine learning, and AI to improve products and services, optimize processes, and identify new business models.

Applications in Media:

  • Content Recommendation: Offer personalized content suggestions to users.
  • Audience Analysis: Understand audience behavior and preferences.
  • Ad Targeting: Enhance ad targeting and personalization.
  • Content Creation: Automate content generation and curation.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyze audience sentiment from social media and other sources.
  • Fraud Detection: Identify and prevent fraudulent activities in ad placements.
  • Predictive Analytics: Forecast trends and content performance.
  • Quality Control: Ensure content quality with AI tools.


We assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products and services, optimize processes, and discover new business models.

Applications for SMEs:

  • Predictive Maintenance: Prevent machinery defects early.
  • KPI Forecasts: Make decisions based on reliable KPI forecasts.
  • Sales Forecasts: Optimize marketing, ordering, and production.
  • Customer Churn: Identify and retain customers likely to churn.
  • Product Recommendations: Offer personalized product suggestions.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyze social media, reviews, and emails.
  • Quality Control: Identify quality defects early.
  • Process Optimization: Increase production efficiency and transparency.

Security Sector

We help security companies effectively deploy data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance security measures, optimize processes, and develop new solutions.

Applications in Security:

  • Threat Detection: Identify and prevent potential threats using AI.
  • Surveillance: Enhance video surveillance with real-time analysis.
  • Fraud Detection: Prevent fraudulent activities with advanced algorithms.
  • Access Control: Implement smart access control systems.
  • Incident Response: Automate and optimize incident response.
  • Predictive Analytics: Forecast security breaches and necessary actions.

Risk Assessment: Evaluate and mitigate security risks.

Commodity Sector

We assist companies in the commodity sector in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance trading, optimize supply chains, and discover new business opportunities.

Applications in Commodity:

  • Price Forecasting: Predict commodity prices with high accuracy.
  • Supply Chain Optimization: Streamline operations and logistics.
  • Risk Management: Identify and mitigate market and operational risks.
  • Quality Control: Ensure product quality with AI-driven analysis.
  • Demand Forecasting: Predict future demand for commodities.
  • Fraud Detection: Prevent fraudulent activities in transactions.
  • Sustainability Analysis: Evaluate environmental impacts and improve sustainability practices.

Food Industry

We assist food industry companies in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance product quality, optimize processes, and explore new business opportunities.

Applications in Food:

  • Quality Control: Use AI for real-time monitoring and quality assurance.
  • Supply Chain Optimization: Streamline logistics and reduce waste.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Prevent equipment failures with AI.
  • Demand Forecasting: Accurately predict future demand and trends.
  • Personalized Nutrition: Develop personalized nutrition plans with AI.
  • Fraud Detection: Ensure food safety by detecting fraudulent activities.
  • Sustainability: Optimize resources for sustainable practices.

Public Sector

We help public sector organizations leverage data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance services, optimize processes, and develop new solutions for public good.

Applications in the Public Sector:

  • Predictive Analytics: Forecast trends and improve resource allocation.
  • Citizen Services: Enhance service delivery with AI chatbots and personalized services.
  • Fraud Detection: Prevent fraudulent activities in public programs.
  • Data-Driven Policy Making: Use data insights for informed policy decisions.
  • Smart Cities: Implement AI for efficient urban management.
  • Public Safety: Enhance security and emergency response with AI.

Chemical Industry

We assist chemical companies in leveraging data science, machine learning, and AI to enhance products, optimize processes, and discover new business models.

Applications in Chemical:

  • Predictive Maintenance: Prevent equipment failures early.
  • Quality Control: Monitor and ensure product quality.
  • Process Optimization: Increase efficiency in chemical processes.
  • Supply Chain Management: Streamline operations and logistics.
  • Research and Development: Accelerate innovation with AI.
  • Safety Management: Enhance workplace and environmental safety.
  • Demand Forecasting: Accurately predict market needs.