Ai Business Strategy for Your Success
Transform Your Business with
AI Strategy
Transform Your Business with
AI Strategy
We guide you on your journey to becoming a data-driven company.
Your Experts for AI Consulting

We advise you along your journey to becoming a data-driven company. From identifying suitable use cases, selecting technologies, and designing data architectures to developing your data and AI strategy, we consult companies along their unique data and AI transformations.
Facing Challenges in AI Transformation?
Depending on their maturity level, companies face different challenges when introducing and applying data science and artificial intelligence:
- Which use cases promise the greatest value and should be implemented first?
- What data is needed and how should it be stored?
- Which technologies, tools, or vendors can be used to implement AI projects?
- What roles, skills, and knowledge are needed in the company?
- How do structures and processes need to be adapted?
- How can resistance and fears towards new technologies be reduced?

As a leading company...
… for AI Strategy, we advise you both at the start of your data and AI journey and in the company-wide scaling and integration of data science, machine learning, and AI. Together, we analyze your specific challenges and find the right answers. Let us guide you and benefit from our strategic expertise and experience in developing various AI solutions.
AI strategy on the whole journey
No matter your current situation, we understand your challenges and help you leap to the next level. Our AI strategists bring data and artificial intelligence to your business.
Identification of AI Use Cases
We support you in identifying, evaluating, prioritizing, and specifying use cases for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
Designing Data Architectures
To enable you to work effectively with your data, we help you design, evaluate, and successfully build the appropriate data architectures.
Selection of Tools and Technologies
We help you identify, select, and implement new technologies and tools around the application of data science and artificial intelligence.
Establishment of a Data Culture
We support you in establishing a data-based mindset and behaviors in your company and create excitement about data and AI in your workforce.
Development of a Data and AI Strategy
Using our strategy framework, we analyze your current situation, jointly define a target picture, and draw up a strategic roadmap.
Organizing Your AI Capabilities
We help build organizational structures, processes, and roles to enable your teams to efficiently develop valuable data science and AI solutions.
Implementation of Change Measures
When introducing new AI solutions, we support you in adapting processes and structures and help to overcome resistance against new technologies.
Establishment of Governance Structures
To minimize the risks of your data science and AI solutions and increase data quality, we help build compliance and governance structures.
AI Discovery/Strategy Workshop
An AI strategy is a decisive success factor for gaining a competitive edge with AI. With our AI Strategy Workshop, we lay the foundation for the data and AI transformation of your company. Together, we will analyze how you can strategically approach the AI transformation and select the most profitable use case areas within your business context. Regardless of the phase you are in: Our team is here to help you align your data and AI plans with your company’s digital future in the best possible way.

Data Wizards Solutions created the AI Canvas to help you filter your many AI ideas and identify the best business opportunities. The AI Canvas is based on the successful Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder and on the Lean Canvas by Ash Maurya. Organizations from part-time startups to the world’s largest companies have used these to replace business plans as their strategic planning tools. Use the AI Canvas to evaluate your potential AI models.
How to use the AI Canvas
With your AI product ideas in mind, start at the top of the AI Canvas and fill out each block with a few bullet points or sentences. The left side of the canvas addresses business strategy issues. The right side raises questions of technical feasibility. The issues are increasingly complex as you move from the top of the canvas to the bottom.
Canvas advantages and limitations
Canvases have several advantages over business plans:
- They can be easily updated as plans change.
- They allow for efficient team planning.
- They instantly communicate key risks and opportunities for any audience.
These features make a canvas ideal for analyzing, planning, and retooling your AI strategy.
They take far less time than a massive business plan or strategy white paper. Our Canvas only simplify the process of documenting and communicating a strategy. You’ll still need to face the bigger challenge of gathering the information necessary to thoroughly explore your options. Canvases help us ask the right questions, but they don’t provide the answers.
Ready to Transform Your Business?
We are here to help you align your data and AI plans with your company’s digital future.